
About Me

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Freelance illustrator/ graphic designer . Residing in Sheffield. Working at Arcade. My Portfolio

Friday, 26 March 2010

Alice in Wonderland

I was asked by a friend to design a t-shirt based on Alice in Wonderland. I was a tad reluctant at first as it seems to be all the rage again with the new Tim Burton film out. But I thought it'd be nice for me to put my own spin on the characters, truth me told I'd never read the story and I'd only watched the Disney version of the animation when I was a kid but I still remembered who the characters were.

I enjoyed making this image and the whole 2 colour print idea came out of no-where, never would I ever think of using brown and yellow together on any other piece but it seemed to suit this time.


Nickles said...
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Nickles said...

Oops, user fail my bad, just cleaning up my blog and deleted my praise of your work :-o

Basically i said, love your style! Pleease make some t-shirts! I'll be an avid collector and show them off around town.