
About Me

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Freelance illustrator/ graphic designer . Residing in Sheffield. Working at Arcade. My Portfolio

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Hair Kandi Wall Murals

There's a relatively new Hair Salon in Sheffield by the name of Hair Kandi, well it used to be on Ecclesall Road but now has moved to the city centre of West Street. The owner's Dave and Sara commissioned me to draw pieces on 2 separate walls, the main reception area and the hair wash area where they play films on projector and use a wall as the screen. The Projector wall area was very fun to do and as they gave me free reign I was able to mull over some ideas for a week and just get down to drawing.

The second piece was intended to be drawn live during their launch party, which to me was a scary prospect, what if I fell down from my perch, or smudged so badly I couldn't disguise it... luckily I didn't fall or fail and managed to produce one of the most proudest pieces I've ever come up with. It was more or less a re drawn portrait of my friend Alex Godwin and again one of my favourite pieces.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Super pretty as always.