
About Me

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Freelance illustrator/ graphic designer . Residing in Sheffield. Working at Arcade. My Portfolio

Monday, 24 January 2011

Some Recent Work

Heres a showcase of some work I've been commissioned for this month.

Dead Young Records - Allo Darlin'
The boys from Leeds at Dead Young Records asked me to quickly knock up a gig poster for Allo Darlin' an intricate indie pop band from the US. I'm pleased with this design as photoshop is becoming more of a presence in my work for neat little effects.

PLUG - Jump Around Valentines Tattoos
For the Valentines Night at Plug, they've asked me to design some temporary tattoos for their traffic light party. The premise is that people put these tattoos on themselves to indicate if they're available, taken or a bit curious.

Covert Sound System
As some of you may know I've been working on the Covert Soundsystem promotion material over the past year. Covert is an electronic music night held at Plug night club every Friday night here in Sheffield, as the popularity has grown so has the artwork, the owners wanted the artwork to evolve and become collectible. Heres the design for the front of the new February flyer run.

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